Data protection & user privacy system

Guard your data with continuous identity assurance & protection 

Identity assurance just at login is a thing of the past. Prevent account takeover, fraud, and data loss blind spots in real time with SessionGuardian.

Data protection & user privacy system

Protecting Data and User Privacy From Anywhere

Your employees work from home, cafes, and unsecured office environments. No matter where they are your data is safe and privacy assured with SessionGuardian.


Shoulder Surfing

How do you prevent an unauthorized person from shoulder-surfing your data?


User Not Present

How do you know the person is truly present during the session?


eMeeting Sharing

How do you know your meeting attendees are authorized to see sensitive data in a screenshare?

Incorrect Geolocation

Incorrect Geolocation

How do you know the user is logging into your system from an authorized location?


Photo of Screen

How do you prevent a photo or screenshot of your sensitive data?


Credential Sharing

How do you know that the person is using their own credentials to log in and not someone else’s?

h-prob-Credential Hacking

Credential Hacking

How do you know that the person logging in with legitimate credentials really is that person?


Compromised Device

How do you know the user is on a healthy device that passed security requirements?                         


The benefits you can expect with SessionGuardian

Identity Assurance

Identity Assurance

  • Facial authentication - continuous or one-time
  • User present / liveness detection
  • Shoulder surfing prevention
  • Identity proofing
Data Protection

Data Protection

  • Prevent screen share, screen capture, screen print, file download
  • Detect mobile phone or camera to prevent screen photo
  • Watermarks across all screens to identify user, time, and IP address
Verified Compliant (GDPR)

Privacy Compliance

  • No biometric data stored or transmitted
  • Compliant with all major privacy regulations including GDPR
  • Granular audit trails
  • Alerts
  • SIEM integration
Device Assurance

Device Assurance

  • Verify device posture
  • Approved network (IP/VPN restrictions)
  • Approved geolocation 
  • Required/restricted applications
  • Login during approved time of day, day of week

Protect your workforce and data from anywhere and everywhere

Schedule a personalized demo to begin your journey towards continuous identity assurance and protection.