Session Guardian

Matter Specific Infrastructure, Explained

Written by adam | Jul 29, 2021 5:57:02 PM

Sharing confidential documents is a necessary aspect of doing business. But conventional methods of sharing private matters also carries a degree of risk. You don’t really know who can gain access to confidential data unless you have a secure, multilayered environment that takes all possible breaches into account.

Consider that copies of information get stored in backups of file systems. On a typical day, users may access documents on corporate or personal computing devices. People work from home and access documents remotely on email. A contractor may do document review somewhere far away from the firewalled infrastructure of a law firm.  These situations are quite common, and they present serious information security and compliance concerns.

People can make honest mistakes. People can also behave badly. That’s why SessionGuardian was created. It’s a computing infrastructure that provides complete isolation of confidential data so it can’t be leaked, either intentionally or accidentally.

Why Matter Specific Infrastructure?

From a practical perspective, Matter Specific Infrastructure means that for each project, or matter, SessionGuardian creates a discrete virtual workstation for each user working on that matter.  

With SessionGuardian, each virtual workstation has its own dedicated storage, as well as a dedicated email address for the matter and user.  Additionally, each virtual workstation has firewall rules to ensure the user can only access resources that are allowed within the context of the matter, and that they can only send and receive emails to and from authorized participants on the matter.

Data Security and the Backup Dilemma

By implementing Matter Specific Infrastructure, you achieve a complete security bubble around the matter and simplify the audit process that ensures that all relevant data is destroyed at the end of the matter.  

Consider a situation that’s all too common when working with highly confidential data. A judge issued an order to protect a large cache of documents. The problem was that the documents were cached in the email system of the contract agency. Because there was no firewalled data security solution, the agency had to go to great lengths to destroy six months of backups. Not only was this task time consuming, but it carried a very high cost. Had the agency utilized Matter Specific Infrastructure, the process would have been painless, quick and low cost.

 By contrast, SessionGuardian's Matter Specific Infrastructure provides an individual virtual workstation for each project, or matter, and for every user working on that matter. Security and ease of use are guaranteed, and data security headaches disappear.

To find out more, visit SessionGuardian at the LegalTech 2020 conference, booth #3231. SessionGuardian is a proud sponsor of LegalWeek, which takes place February 3 to 6, 2020, at the New York Hilton in Manhattan.